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Education NEWS

What Is Education
The education system represents the process an individual must go through to learn. This is accomplished through the use of instructions or other practical procedures. Education is a fundamental right of every ordinary person worldwide because it encourages them to differentiate between right and wrong and assists them in achieving their goals. 
Education Types
Education can mean various things to various people all over the world. Some people see education as classroom instruction, while others see it as expertise.
The advancement of the thinking and learning processes is referred to as education. It extends beyond the classroom's four walls. Because it is all about developing skills, we can categorize education into three broad categories:
  • Formal Instruction
  • Informal Learning
  • Formal and Informal Education
  •  The benefits of the three forms of learning
    • Formal education has the following advantages: it is organized and scheduled
    • It occurs in a systematic, step-by-step manner.
    • It is the most fundamental knowledge that every individual must acquire before learning anything else.
    • It is accredited and obtained by professionals and educators.
    • Advantages of Informal Education:
      • Informal education has several advantages. It is a natural process of learning that can occur anywhere and at any time.
      • It necessitates consistent practice and polishing.
      • It employs a variety of methods and has no set time frame.
      • This learning does not require the hiring of experts or professionals.
      • Advantages of Non-Formal Education: 
        • It is a flexible educational system in both the public and private sectors.
        • No need to hold regular exams.
        • Education, credentials, and accolades are not required because it is usually a type of skill development.
        • It entails putting theoretical knowledge into practice. 
        • Importance of education
          As Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is a fundamental weapon you can use to transform the world." It teaches people how to be better citizens, gets a good salary job, and tell the difference between right and wrong. Education teaches us the value of hard work while also assisting us in growing and developing.
          The Importance of Female Education in Indian Society
          Trying to educate the girl child encompasses all aspects of schooling that aim to improve the knowledge and skills of girls and women. This includes general education at colleges and schools, technical and vocational education, health education, and other forms of education. Women's education includes both non-literary and literary schooling. Girl child education has the potential to affect socio-economic change. Democratic countries, such as India, have constitutions guarantee equal rights to men and women. Primary right to an education. Society is convinced of its long-term viability when a girl's rights are protected. Recognizing the importance of education, government and non-government organizations have undertaken various projects to improve girls' education.